Launched in March 2014 as a pilot effort by the Bisexual Resource Center, Bisexual Health Awareness Month (#BiHealthMonth) is a social media campaign dedicated to raising awareness about the bisexual+ community’s social, economic, and health disparities, advocating for resources, and inspiring actions to improve bi+ people’s well-being.
By partnering with organizations worldwide, we distribute bi+ health resources, build community spaces, and promote bi+ health equity at the local, national, and global level.

Campaign Mission
The mission of #BiHealthMonth is to raise awareness about the bisexual community’s physical and mental health disparities and to promote varying levels of action and intervention (e.g. individual, organizational, community) that aim to address these disparities.
Campaign Values
- Intersectionality – Bisexual Health Awareness Month actively aims to raise awareness about bisexual health disparities through an intersectional lens, including but not limited to: gender, race, ability, class, and age
- Advocacy – Bisexual Health Awareness Month proposes and promotes policy solutions and interventions that endeavor to address or decrease bisexual health disparities
- Support – Bisexual Health Awareness Month provides support to the bisexual community by generating and promoting bisexual-specific, health-focused, and evidence-based resources and information
Focus Areas During the Campaign
- Statistics – A focus on current statistics and research data regarding health disparities in the bisexual community
- Intersectionality – Emphasis on how race, ethnicity, class, age, ability, etc., can further impact health disparities in the bisexual community, particularly in regards to experiences of oppression and discrimination
- Resources – A spotlight on current resources and creation of new ones that can address health disparities in the bisexual community
- Action – Promotion and development of interventions, policies, and other activities that work to prevent or decrease health disparities in the bisexual community
About the Bisexual Resource Center
Our Mission and Vision
The Bisexual Resource Center works to connect the bi+ community and help its members thrive through resources, support, and celebration. We envision an empowered, visible, and inclusive global community for bi+ people.
The BRC uses “bisexual” and “bi+” as umbrella terms for people who recognize and honor their potential for sexual and emotional attraction to more than one gender (pansexual, fluid, omnisexual, queer, and all other free-identifiers). We celebrate and affirm the diversity of identity and expression regardless of labels.
Originally started in 1985 as the East Coast Bisexual Network, the organization incorporated in 1989 as a 501(c)3 nonprofit and changed its name to the Bisexual Resource Center in the mid-nineties. Since its inception, the Bisexual Resource Center has been creating resources, providing support, and helping to create a stronger sense of community for bi/pan/fluid people across the U.S. and beyond. As one of its first actions, the BRC published the Bisexual Resource Guide from 1990 through 2002 and helped to connect organizations and individuals around the world from Argentina to Zambia.
As the oldest nationally-focused bisexual organization in the U.S., the BRC continues to raise awareness and build bridges within the LGBT and ally communities, and fosters bi-supportive social and political space wherever it can.
As an affiliate Boston group, the Boston Bisexual Women’s Network was founded in 1983 out of a women’s support group called the BiVocals. BBWN is heading towards 30 years of being an active and ever-changing support network for the Boston area. BBWN publishes a quarterly newsletter, Bi Women Quarterly, that is read worldwide.
Additionally, the Boston Bisexual Men’s Network formed soon after the women’s group and provided support to hundreds of men in the Boston area for over 15 years.