#BiHealthMonth Social Media Share Kit
The share kit is a living document that will be updated throughout the month with additional partners, resources, and other shareable information. Click the link for the most updated version.
Thank you for supporting #BiHealthMonth!
About #BiHealthMonth:
Bisexual Health Awareness Month (#BiHealthMonth), led annually by the Bisexual Resource Center (BRC), raises awareness about the bisexual+ (bi, pansexual, fluid, queer, etc.) community’s social, economic, and health disparities; advocates for resources; and inspires actions to improve bi+ people’s well-being.
“Resilience” Theme:
Now in its 35th year, the Bisexual Resource Center proudly presents the 7th annual #BiHealthMonth campaign. Lasting throughout the month of March, the theme of this year’s campaign is resilience. The bisexual+ community makes up the majority of the LGBTQ community and experiences significantly higher rates of physical, sexual, social, and emotional violence and disparities than gay and straight people, as well as worse physical, mental, and social health. In the face of these high hurdles, bisexuals+ have always persisted: shaping history, organizing alongside vulnerable communities, and defying odds. We weather storms under the bisexual+ umbrella, an encompassing term for anyone attracted to more than one gender, regardless of what labels they use. An umbrella that makes room for everyone’s unique identities and experiences is the best tool for increasing our community’s wellness.
Sexual Health Resource:
Check out our newest resource, “Sexual Health Tips for the Bi+ Community & Best Practices for Providers,” created in collaboration with Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts, here.
How to Participate:
You can participate by posting online using #BiHealthMonth, hosting community events in your area, donating to the Bisexual Resource Center, and more.
Want your materials included in this share kit, to be added to the list of official #BiHealthMonth partners, ask questions, or write a guest post? E-mail bham@biresource.org.
Bisexual Resource Center social media handles and websites:
- #BiHealthMonth landing page @ www.bihealthmonth.org
- Twitter – @BRC_Central
- Facebook – @BiResource
- Instagram – @BisexualResourceCenter
- Tumblr – @BiResourceCenter
- BRC homepage @ www.biresource.org
Key facts & talking points:
- Resilience refers to the “process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress.” Resilience and health go hand-in-hand. Through supportive social connections, fostering wellness, and making meaning of hardships, people can develop resilience that not only empowers them to overcome the past, but also equips them to better weather future storms. Learn more about resilience here.
- Healthy social connections that affirm all parts of a person’s core identity are vital to becoming resilient. The bisexual+ community includes a wide variety and many intersections of identities. Our community is at its healthiest when we are inclusive and affirming of everyone under the bi+ umbrella.
- Bisexual+ people make up the majority of the LGBTQ community, but receive less than 1% of all funding that supports LGBTQ advocacy, and they experience significantly higher rates of physical, sexual, social, and emotional violence and disparities than gay and straight people, as well as poorer physical, mental, and social health.
- Despite comprising over half of the LGBTQ community, only 29% of people report personally knowing a bisexual person, compared to 73% of people who report knowing a gay or lesbian person. As a result, media representation of bisexuality+, which is often harmful and reductive, heavily shapes the general public’s understanding of who bisexual+ people are and perpetuates dangerous stereotypes.
- Bisexual+ youth are less likely than their gay peers to be out to their loved ones, but account for 8% of 18-34 year olds, whereas gay and lesbians only account for 3% of that age bracket. They’re also less likely to attend queer youth groups. It’s vital for schools & youth spaces to be bi+ affirming and welcoming in order to best serve LGBTQ young people.
- 37% of gender-expansive youth are verbally harassed at school, and another report found 44% of bisexual youth were bullied about their weight or physical appearance one or more times during the past month. A report by the GSA Network chronicles harsh discipline and school push-out often faced by LGBT youth of color. It’s important to build safer, more inclusive and accepting environments for bisexual+ (e.g. bisexual, pansexual, queer, fluid, no label) youth in schools.
- Bisexual+ people often experience higher levels of mental health issues than their gay and straight peers, including suicidality, substance use disorders, depression, and anxiety. It’s important to connect with bisexual-specific and -inclusive resources, programs, and services that can best serve bi+ people’s mental health needs.
- 44% bisexual youth reported being bullied about physical appearance one or more times during past month, and a report by the Human Rights Campaign found that 37% of gender-expansive youth were verbally harassed at school. In addition, bisexuality was associated with a history of forced or unwanted sex among female high school students, and compared with gay male youth, bisexual male youth were 5.4 times as likely to have been threatened with outing by a date or partner. Therefore, it is important to build safer, more inclusive school environments for bisexual+ youth and to connect these youth with interpersonal violence services, resources, and prevention programs that can support and protect them.
Resources for talking about bisexuality+:
- BRC’s “Talking about bisexuality+”
- GLAAD, BRC, BiNet USA, & BOP’s “In Focus: Reporting on the Bisexual Community”
- HRC’s “Brief guide to getting bisexual coverage right”
Suggested social media copy (please feel free to create original, edit the below copy, and/or reach out for messaging assistance):
- It’s #BiHealthMonth! Join us and @BRC_Central all month long in calling attention to the #bisexual+ community’s resilience: bihealthmonth.org [“BHAM 2020” graphic (find in dropbox)]
- In the face of past & present hardships, bisexuals+ have always persisted: shaping history, organizing alongside vulnerable communities, and defying odds. We weather storms under the bisexual+ umbrella. Learn more during @BRC_Central’s #BiHealthMonth www.bihealthmonth.org
- This #BiHealthMonth, we’re helping @BRC_Central spotlight the #bisexual+ community’s resilience in the face of unique hardships. Learn more about the bisexual+ community’s well-being here. [link to any of the below blog posts/articles]
- Relationships built on trust, compassion, & understanding are key to developing resilience. When we make room for our whole community under the #bisexual+ umbrella, we all weather the storm better. Learn more this #BiHealthMonth via @BRC_Central. [“BHAM 2020” graphic (find in dropbox)]
- Want to learn more about supporting the #bisexual+ community this #BiHealthMonth? Check out this great resource from @BRC_Central. [link to/upload pics (in dropbox) of any of the pamphlets listed below]
- Resilience is the process of personal growth in the face of hardship. It both empowers us to overcome the past & equips us to better weather future storms. Learn more about #bisexual+ resilience this #BiHealthMonth. [bihealthmonth.org or link to any of the below resources]
- #Bisexual+ people make up more than half of the LGBTQ community, but receive minimal funding to tackle the major physical, emotional, & social health disparities they face at higher rates than their gay peers. Help us & @BRC_Central raise awareness this #BiHealthMonth. [“BHAM 2020” graphic (find in dropbox)]Health is physical, as well as social, emotional, social, sexual, and spiritual. This #BiHealthMonth, we’re helping @BRC_Central spotlight all aspects of #bisexual+ people’s well-being. Check this out, for starters: [link to any of the below resources]
- Comparte esta infográfico en español para #BiHealthMonth: población #bisexual en los Estados Unidos. ¡Lee y comparte! www.lgbtmap.org/bisexual-espanol
- You can help improve bi+ community health by supporting bisexual-specific research. Join us in participating in The PRIDE Study to highlight the unique health needs of our community: https://pridestudy.org/biresource #ThePRIDEStudy #BiHealthMonth
- Bisexuals are often understudied or combined with lesbians and gay men in research. Bisexual-specific research will help researchers understand our community’s needs–the first step toward improving our health. Join us in participating in The PRIDE Study to highlight the unique health needs of our community: https://pridestudy.org/biresource #ThePRIDEStudy #BiHealthMonth
- Bisexuals comprise over half of the lesbian, gay, & bisexual community in the US. By participating in The PRIDE Study over time, your unique story will help researchers understand the ways that sexual identity and gender connects to health and health care. Join us! https://pridestudy.org/biresource #BiHealthMonth #ThePRIDEStudy
Shareable resources and content:
- Logos, graphics, & brochures Dropbox
- Includes CRUISElab’s “What Gay and Bi Guys Should Know About HPV” infographics
Digital pamphlets:
- “Sexual Health Tips for the Bi+ Community & Best Practices for Providers” – Bisexual Resource Center
- “10 tips on having bi-inclusive elder programs & services” – Bisexual Resource Center
- “Growing a bi+ community: a resource for facilitators” – Bisexual Resource Center
- “Bi+ intersections: bisexuality & disability” – Bisexual Resource Center
- “Mental health in the bisexual+ community: biphobia, bi erasure, & getting help” – Bisexual Resource Center
- “How to be an ally to a bi+ person” – Bisexual Resource Center
- “Pan & bi: a handy guide” – Bisexual Resource Center
- “Starting or growing your bisexual support group” – Bisexual Resource Center
- “Bi+ 101” – Bisexual Resource Center
- “Coming out as bisexual to your doctor” – Human Rights Campaign (HRC)
- “Protego Residentum: Making Your Dorm a Safe Space” – Harry Potter Alliance
- “Protego: Spells & actions to make the world better for the trans community” – Harry Potter Alliance
Blog posts & articles
- “The Affirming Power of Research for Bi+ People – CRUISELab
- “POV: What about the ‘B’ in LGBT+?” – BU Today
- “Bisexuals and mental health” – Bi Women Quarterly
- “Functional and living, with anxiety” – Bi Women Quarterly
- “My life, my labels” (disability & bisexuality) – Bi Women Quarterly
- “Claiming my labels” (ADHD & bisexuality) – Bi Women Quarterly
- “Society giveth, society taketh away, and maybe society giveth again” – Bi Women Quarterly
- “Bisexuality & disability: some connections” – Bi Women Quarterly
- “Advice from A. Rose Bi” (CW: advice on recovering from sexual assault) – Bi Women Quarterly
- “Violence & recovery resources” – Bi Women Quarterly
- “The things they don’t see” (chronic illness & bisexuality) – Bi Women Quarterly
- “Worth it” (CW: suicidality) – Bi Women Quarterly
- “On being a full-time part of the solution” – Bi Women Quarterly
- “Can you see us now? New research publication helps to shed scientific light on bisexual health” – Indiana University Communications / Bisexual Research Collaborative on Health
- “The Changing Tide: My Experiences with Conducting Bisexual Health Research” – Bisexual Research Collaborative on Health
- “Health and Wellbeing on the Margins: Exploring the Intersections of Biracial and Bisexual Identities” – Bisexual Research Collaborative on Health
- “Why Bi+ Representation On-Screen Matters When Thinking About Intimate Partner Violence” – DOVE, Inc.
- “Lessons from the Field: What We Are Learning About Representation from Black Bi+ Men”- H. “Herukhuti” Sharif Williams and David J. Cork
- “Overlapping Flags: Loving Beyond the Gay/Straight Binary” – Ellyn Ruthstrom
- “It’s #BiHealthMonth and We Need Paid Leave!” – Family Values @ Work
- “Bisexual Microagressions in Medical Contexts” – Heather Stewart
- “Finding Queer Identity Through TV Representation” – Charmee Taylor/Polygone
- “A letter for parents from a parent” – Bisexual Resource Center
- “What is bisexuality+?” – Bisexual Resource Center
- “Coming out for bi+ youth” – Bisexual Resource Center
- “Resources for youth” – Bisexual Resource Center
- “Boosting bisexual+ competency for healthcare providers” – Bisexual Resource Center
- “Supporting bisexual+ youth at home” – Bisexual Resource Center
- “Don’t just get by – get bi-affirmative therapy” – Los Angeles Bi Task Force for Bisexual Resource Center
- “How bi+ people can take control of their sexual health” – Denarii Grace, GO Mag, Bisexual Resource Center
- “5 reasons why oversexualizing bisexuality is not supportive” – Codi Coday, PAVES, Bisexual Resource Center
- “5 tips for when coming out as bi+ goes badly” – Cody Coday, PAVES, Bisexual Resource Center
- “Bi+ youth: bullying & interpersonal violence” – Bisexual Resource Center
- “Bi+ youth: mental health” – Bisexual Resource Center
- “Bisexual+ & transgender youth” – Bisexual Resource Center
- “Bisexual+ youth of color” – Bisexual Resource Center
- “Bisexual+ youth with disabilities” – Bisexual Resource Center
- Bi+ Youth Report – Human Rights Campaign
- “Invisible majority: The disparities facing bisexual people and how to remedy them” – MAP
- “A closer look: Bisexual older adults” – MAP
- “A closer look: Bisexual transgender people” – MAP
- “Infografia: La bisexualidad en cifras” – MAP
Additional resources:
- (web page) Make your faith community bisexually healthy – Religious Institute
- (web page) HPV Resources for Guys into Guys – CRUISELab
- (Tumblr blog) “How to give emotional support to bi women of color” – Bisexual Resource Center
- (Tumblr blog) “Improving mental health for bisexual people of color” – Bisexual Resource Center
- (YouTube video) “A Bisexuality Q&A” – What’s My Body Doing
- 3/29 @ 5 PM – 2nd Annual Bi+ Georgia: Healthy & Thriving event
- The Bakery, 825 Warner St., Atlanta, GA 30310
- Panelists: Candace Girod, Elias Capello, Lauren Beach, Victoria Leftridge; Moderator: Khafre Abif
- BRC-hosted events in Massachusetts
- 3/4 – Bisexual Social and Support Group (BLiSS) meeting
- 3/8 – Bi Womens+ Brunch in Roxbury
- 3/10 – Bisexual and Bi-Curious Men’s Group meeting
- 3/12 – Young BLiSS Social and Support Group in Somerville
- 3/15 – Tea with Bisexual Women Partnered with Men (BWPM)
- 3/18 – Bi/Pan+ Guyz Social Night
- 3/21 – Biversity Brunch
Thank you to our partners AIDS United, American Psychological Association, Bi+ Georgia, Bisexual Research Collaborative on Health (BiRCH), Bi Women Quarterly, the Center on Colfax, CenterLink, CRUISELab, Equality Florida, Fenway Health, Gay Men’s Health Crisis, GLAAD, the Human Rights Campaign, the LGBT Center of New York City, LOCS Collective, Massachusetts Commission on LGBTQ Youth, Mini Productions, the Movement Advancement Project, New York Area Bisexual Network, PFLAG, Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts, Point Foundation, PRIDEnet, SAGE, SpeakOUT, Sydney Bi+ Network, the Trevor Project, TAIMI, and Victory Institute for supporting the bisexual+ community and our well-being through #BiHealthMonth and beyond.
Want your materials included in this share kit, to be added to the list of official #BiHealthMonth partners, ask questions, or write a guest post? E-mail bham@biresource.org.